I consider myself quite lucky. I have a great family, awesome friends, an amazing boyfriend, and a fun job. I just got accepted into a competitive music program and am starting down the career path of my dreams.
Yet, there is still this nagging, pulling weight on my shoulders, that won't let me relax or enjoy the wonderful things around me. I teeter totter back and forth between brushing it off and struggling under its heavy load.
I wish there were no such thing as money, or credit cards, or even debt for that matter. I know that I'm young and that my debt situation will probably just get worse as I get older. But, I still can't help but feel a little depressed. Sometimes I feel like I'm a winner in everything else in my life, but this one issue contributes to some epic fail that overshadows everything good that I do. It seems like even if I'm good to others, treat people well, try really hard and, in general, try to be a decent human being, all of my efforts just get canceled out by this stupid, financial mess that I've gotten myself into. I feel like a failure.
And then, I wake up suddenly and slap myself across the face. "What are you doing? Shut up and suck it up already!" I mean, if this is the worst thing going on in my life right now, I've got it pretty good. There are people all over the world who are suffering...REALLY suffering, and worrying about bigger things than their credit card payments. Maybe I should just take my frown, turn it sideways and throw it, boomerang-style out the window. Seriously.... grow up.
My meeting with the financial advisor at TD this morning was a joke. I basically spent the better part of the hour listening to this guy give me budgeting tips and advice on my spending. "Yeah, dude...I've been there already...the budget's been drawn and I'm working on it..." I learned a little about cash secured lines of credit and ways to consolidate some debt, but I left our meeting just feeling depressed and like I was 18 again, a young chicken who knows little of the grown-up hen-world in front of her. "If you can just make your payments on time, if you can just put some money in a savings account..." If I knew how to do that, I wouldn't be here! That's where you're supposed to come in! BAH!
Okay, so where does this leave me? I feel tempted to hop on Craigslist and search for a second job. I feel tempted to sell a guitar or two for some cash (blasphemy!). Do people pay for witty banter? Charisma? If only I could get paid for writing this blog... hmmmm....
For now, I'll do what I do best and keep my head up above water. I knew that this positive attitude would come in handy sometime :)
- Heather